We’re going on a bear hunt… oops, superstar hunt!
We are always taking enquiries for Zoo Crew members. Are you interested? Email through your resume to Amy at admin@junglezoo.com.au.
Please include your CV & all relevant certificates. It would also be advantageous to include your interest in age groups, your available hours & days for 4 x 10 hour shifts. Your preference for full time, part time or casual work.
We want the talents of experienced Educators, trained with appropriate Certification of Level 3, Level 4/Diploma, Early Childhood Teachers, Cook/Kitchen Hand, (after hours) Cleaning Crew and Maintenance Personnel. All Zoo Crew members must have Current First Aid, Blue Card, and Certification of levels of skills.
We want to attract local Child Care Educators, and encouraging those with the desire to relocate to the Whitsunday region who are willing to self-relocate, as the Whitsundays are a growing community and your skills are vitally needed.
Pay and Conditions
Pay rates are award. Your workspace conditions are exceeding. We offer paid staff meetings, and overtime when required. We offer 4% above award rates. Upskilling through internal workshops, and in services provided regularly. Professional Development webinars and courses. The normal holidays of 4 weeks after the first twelve months of working with us, and 11.5% of your salary as paid Superannuation into your nominated Fund.
Staff Support
We provide you with: An experienced Management Crew, firstly our family business relationship Experienced in Child Care for 30 years as the Licenced Provider. An experienced Centre Manager /Nominated Supervisor, An Experienced Educational Leader, with a prior working relationship with Management. We offer all our crew a lifeline for you to access to an Early Education Consultant when searching for those answers. Valuable personal conditions such as time off the floor for planning and communications, using the latest technology and software for industry standards to quicken the necessary paperwork. Down time for morning tea and lunch in the Lunchroom guaranteed with replacement staff to maintain ratios.
We have a deep understanding and appreciation of your Childcare education and wish to show you that your Education will be the keystone to the service we offer to the children and families who attend our Centre, and we will not abuse your rights or ask you to perform elements that are outside your job description. We want you to be a responsible Crew Member, stand up for yourself, and bring your opinions, and experiences to the table. Value your new job and show your desire to excel yourself and exceed our services.
We hope our family becomes your family.
Centre Resources
We will provide you with an abundance of appropriate resources for use both inside and outside, and will expect you through role modelling and interaction, to teach respect and care for those items to the children. We will ensure resources are replaced when needed, as we understand the tools of learning that resources offer. We will ensure we always have appropriate resources for you, whatever age you are working with.
Cleaning Expectations
We will provide our Centre with Commercial cleaners to ensure your workspace is hygienically cleaned daily. We will ask you to be aware of daily cleaning tasks (as hygiene is a BIG standard of ours and sand gets into everything!) but you know what is the normal daily cleaning duties expected: floors, toys, toilets and nappy change benches, packing away and keeping a neat environment. Gloves, nappies, and other consumables will be supplied for our families, and we will not compromise on quality.

Feedback Requests
We will ask for and offer feedback in creating our professional team workspace, our policies and procedures, philosophy and community involvement and we will grow our new venture together. We want only like-minded people, who are coming every day for the love of their job, the love of children and the inexhaustive value we can offer to their educational experience. We want educators who will engage with the children, get on the floor and encourage little minds, read, sing and dance, show a dramatic excitement with the children, lead them through intentional teaching moments and value their expressive minds in their learning journey. Gardening, sharing the raising of animals, building sandcastles and cubby houses, sit in the waterplay and enjoy wet cuddles. Really inspire a child’s every being.
We want you!