At Jungle Zoo ELC, we believe all children are unique in their learning and abilities. Each child within the service is provided access to a high quality, inclusive early education program, catering for each child’s individual needs and interests, whilst supporting their sense of agency.
We recognise families are the first and most influential teacher in a child’s learning journey. Jungle Zoo believes in building meaningful partnerships with families, creating a reciprocal relationship based on respectful open communication and collaboration.
We believe children are very capable of initiating their own learning by building on each other’s strengths, facilitated by educators as co-learners. Jungle Zoo offers children endless opportunities to engage in rich, play-based learning such as open-ended play, group play, individual play, pretend play, risky play and play that allows children to be absorbed.
We believe children learn best through a play-based curriculum. Each child is capable of being an active participant in their own learning journey. Jungle Zoo will provide a flexible routine and and safe, supportive, and happy environment where children can be themselves as they explore at their own pace.
We believe in encouraging children, to aid in developing a strong sense of belonging.

Belonging: to Jungle Zoo the Centre, with their Educator and classroom peers, their family, friends and broader community.
- Our educators will build trusting relationships with children, whilst supporting their growth towards their full potential, shaping who they will become and simply letting each child be who they are. Forming confidence and belief in their self.
“Being – simply means letting each child be who they are and letting children be children giving them the sense that they are free to explore the world around them. Belonging – Children learn best when they feel as though they belong to their families, to their communities and to the world at large.” EYLF

- Jungle Zoo recognises the busy lifestyles and demands families have in today’s society. We are committed to providing a warm, welcoming environment for both children and families. Our professional judgement will always be based on a holistic approach with respect for the rights of the child and to provide the best outcome for children.
- The health, safety, and wellbeing of children at Jungle Zoo is our highest priority. Through our continual management of health and safety policies and procedures and extensive staff training, we are committed to providing a safe, secure, and healthy environment for all children in attendance.
- Jungle Zoo advocates for an outdoor learning environment that offers controlled risk taking, opportunity for real-life skill development and allows children to connect to nature.
- Jungle Zoo is passionate about sustainability, our environmental responsibilities, and the concept of “Reduce, Re-use, Recycle” as is displayed in our every-day practices and resources. We believe as children are our future generation, we should empower children to feel positive about the future as they are introduced to explore exquisite aspects of nature and given opportunities to learn sustainable practices.
- We believe the environment plays a major role in the success of a child’s early education and should enhance the children’s interests in all developmental aspects. Our learning environment takes into consideration the social skills, communication skills, physical abilities, or challenges, and learning styles of each individual child in attendance.
- We will always be aware of the local weather and environmental issues surrounding our family’s needs, and in particular – care for our educators and the children’s sun safety.
- Jungle Zoo believes there is always room for improvement. Through critical reflection and professional development, Educators and management will commit to ongoing improvement of professional knowledge and practices and welcome constructive feedback from families. We will be respectful of other’s ideas and thoughts and practice open communication.
- We respect and acknowledge our own indigenous heritage, the first peoples of this land and that of the wider community, locally, nationally, and internationally. People of all faith, culture, and diversity will be celebrated with children at Jungle Zoo, with a strong focus on inclusion.
- We endorse and support the work of the Smith Family through our sponsorship in their Learning for Life program to enable Australian children to access Education.
- We advocate for the Early Childhood profession and commit to ongoing professional learning. Becoming innovative with our teaching approaches through contemporary research and investigation.
- We will teach and mentor children, and families to look forward with respect to equal opportunity and equality of gender and race for everyone.
- The educators of Jungle Zoo recognise we can never take the place of parents in the heart of children, but we will consistently provide love, care, and cuddles for your little ones every day they are at Jungle Zoo!
- Jungle Zoo are passionate about sustainability, our environment responsibilities and the concept of “reduce, re-use, recycle” as is displayed in our every-day practices and resources. We believe as children are our future generation, we should empower children to feel positive about the future as they are introduced to explore exquisite aspects of nature and given opportunities to learn sustainable practices